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1. Find your purpose in life

In order to meet ends, we compromise, we adapt, we change, we succumb to circumstances, and somewhere we lose the purpose of living.
A life without purpose is a life without destination. A meaningful life is a basic need of every human existence. Every individual makes certain choices on a daily basis, right from what you eat, what you wear, where you go and what you do. Every choice we make has an impact on our lives. Even insignificant choices can affect what we experience and how we feel. While we make our choices we realize the purpose of life. So it’s very important for us to ‘’be wise before we choose”.

“Try & discover who you are (at the deepest place of your being) you shall find your purpose".

2. Overcome fears, past or present

Life is not a comfort zone. The Fear of failure restricts our growth. You need to keep challenging yourself to overcome fear of failing- Failing is just another form of winning, if you keep this in mind you are creating a strong belief in yourself. Redefine failure as a feedback and as a natural part of a successful life.

“Your past will always follow you until you don’t put a stop to it. You fears will always haunt you unless you don’t face it’’.

Human beings have been blessed with immense power of resilience. We have the power in us to overcome any obstacle in life, what we require is tremendous amount of Self-confidence to overcome any kind of fears.

3. Motivate yourself to succeed every day

Motivation helps us to persevere in the face of setbacks and frustrations; it paves the pathway to success. Love is perhaps the greatest motivation in the world. Love for self and for others will always help you motivate in life. Success on other hand has different meanings to different people. In every sphere of life you need motivation to grow and to succeed. For example- Companies are cutting back, there are fewer jobs available, and pressures to perform are greater than ever. In such a situation it becomes all the more difficult to keep up the motivation levels high, but the fact is you neither can be an escapist nor can you live in denial, we need to face challenges to get a real boost of motivation.

No one can ever take away the power of your mind. Help yourself to recognize your sense of discovery; accept the risks inherent in learning with confidence, competence, and autonomy and last but not the least celebrate your achievement in meeting your goals, it will help you to motivate you further in life.

4. Develop a sense of an inner peace in You

The external factors around us may not favor us in life but our inner self has immense strength to stand up to all odds.

Currently, most of us have designed our lives as machines, finishing work projects, answering hundreds of emails, making adjustments, settling arguments and resolving problems, yet deep inside the only thing we long for is serenity, tranquility and inner peace.

We desperately look forward to the weekends and summer vacations, hoping to snatch a few moments of peace and quietness and restore our physical and mental energy. We look for tranquility in the outside world, waiting for all the conditions to be just right, but the truth is real, all-encompassing peace comes from within. We don’t need to wait for it …its right there within us.

“As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery… we have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.” ~Dalai Lama

5. Learn to handle emotions like anger and fear

The economic crisis, more layoffs, wars, crime – it seems like the world is becoming a scarier place by the day. You have to fight the fears that paralyze your life. Anxiety, anger, control, sadness, depression, inadequacy, confusion, hurt, loneliness, guilt, shame, these are all fear-based emotions. We need to learn to handle them with ease and calmness

5 quick fix tips

Learn to keep sometime for yourselves - relax and unwind simply because your fears feed on your stress!

Learn meditation and other relaxation techniques and see the changes happening within yourself

Learn about your own fears, once you are aware about them it’s easier for you to face them

Learn to occupy yourself productively. Keep yourself qualitatively busy, the action in life breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit back and think about it. Go out and get occupied.

6. Rise above any problem in your life
Four Steps to rise above any problem

Identify - You actually solve 50% of the problem if you are able to identify it.
"As they say a known devil is better than an unknown devil"

Acceptance - Problems are a part of life, the sooner you accept the better it is. Accept problems as signposts that make life more meaningful. Do not live in denial.

Analyze - Look at the problem from different perspectives, try to understand it, look out for the reasons as to why be it a problem. 

Move forward - As soon as the problem is resolved. Learn from it and move forward. Stop thinking about your problem. You can never undo the done so be wise and just let it go.
“Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward towards finding the answer”. – Denis Waitley

Have a look at this inspiring video it will help you decide

All the best and Keep Smiling!

“The future sprouts from today, and today is a powerful day, to make your dreams of tomorrow come true; I wish more and more power 2 u”.

- Sapna Changrani